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The Seduction on
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June 26
Dear Journal,
Mylandra spent the night in my hotel room with me. I have a headache from that sage thingy she keeps burning “to chase away da evil in da room”. I think there must be at least a hundred candles burning right now. If the sprinklers go off in the hotel it will be her fault, just sayin’. Even though she is freaky and scares me a little, she is growing on me. I don’t know what hold Pascale has on her, but it has something to do with a binding curse she flubbed.
Oh goody, it’s song time. She is walking around the room with that damn sage wad that smells like pot and singing a Jamaican song. Probably some hoo doo mixed in. Gotta go, the songstress says I must sit still and meditate. Whatevs! TTYS J
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